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Next Challenge University
Tech + Global + Entrepreneurship
A global startup school nurturing entrepreneurs
continue to initiate, continue to challenge, continue to create
“ Cognitive Skills meet with Meta Technology "
Startup & Entrepreneurship
Next Challenge Entrepreneurship Cycle:
Explore -> Analyze -> Create ->
Communication -> Reflect & Remember
Startup and Seed funding upon graduation
Global Experience
Diverse learning in 9 countries *5 countries for MBA
Local Startup Projects with global universities,
startups and organizations
“Born-global’ Startup Idea and Team Building”
Mobile First Metaverse Campus
Mobile first, Personalized, Paced Learning
‘My Handy Campus’
Metaverse active learning solution
Certificate Program
- Discovery of new growth engines for digital talents
For Student/ For Corporate/ For Entrepreneurs
Degree Program
- Startup BBA
Certificate Program
Next Challenge Certificate Program provides students, corporate, and entrepreneurs a way to apply new technologies to existing businesses best,develop startup ideas, or devise innovative ways to solve social problems.
Degree Program
Startup BBA (Undergraduate) provides a one-stop
curriculum from discovering global items and team building to
attracting invesment upon graduation, and nurtures
Born-global leaders spedialized in Technology + Entrepreneurship
(Next Challenge Korean Language Center)
NCKC provides learning in an easy, exciting, and fun way
n various languages content from customized classes
for beginners to K-pop Dance classes
Next Challenge Startup High School
NC Startup High School travels to
four countries, educating Global Startup
ecosystem exploration, IT/Technology skills mastery,
and startup project-based learning.
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